Thursday 16 March 2017

S6M29: Democracy in action

Subjects of Impossibililand.

Today I read a very interesting piece in the Graundiad about the Queen dying. Worth a read, but long story short is that people put loads of time and thought into this sort of stuff. The planning, the rehearsals, the secret code words, the flipping prepared radio playlists. We put more effort into this sort of stuff than the whole living bit. Ya know, healthcare, education, transport, that sort of stuff.

Still, who am I to complain? Rare is the day when I get a nicely planned blog post out - stats done in advance, coherent post. So actually, this week I'm pretty proud of myself. And I have you all to thank, dear readers, because when offered a choice, you changed the habit of a planet in the last few years, and chose right. Like the Dutch. But not Right. Ya get me?

It would have been pretty silly to have included last week, so the unanimous choice to exclude it was well received. It also means no stats this week, which is fortunate because it means I am now all caught up and can spend stats time revising for my exam instead. Which is less fun, but definitely more useful.

No need to get statty therefore this week,

To the predos:

WBA vs Arsenal - ARSENAL
Crystal Palace vs Watford - CRYSTAL PALACE
Everton vs Hull - EVERTON
Stoke vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Sunderland vs Burnley - SUNDERLAND
West Ham vs Leicester - DRAW
Bournemouth vs Swansea - SWANSEA
Middlesborough vs Man Utd - MAN UTD
Spurs vs Southampton - SPURS
Man City vs Liverpool - LIVERPOOL

Good luck guys


Unknown said...

WBA vs Arsenal - ARSENAL
Crystal Palace vs Watford - WATFORD
Everton vs Hull - HULL
Stoke vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Sunderland vs Burnley - BURNLEY
West Ham vs Leicester - LEICESTER
Bournemouth vs Swansea - SWANSEA
Middlesborough vs Man Utd - MAN UTD
Spurs vs Southampton - SPURS
Man City vs Liverpool - CITY

David Dinkin said...

WBA vs Arsenal - DRAW
Crystal Palace vs Watford - PALaCE
Everton vs Hull - EVERTON
Stoke vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Sunderland vs Burnley - SUNDERLAND
West Ham vs Leicester - WEST HAM
Bournemouth vs Swansea - DRAW
Middlesborough vs Man Utd - MAN UTD
Spurs vs Southampton - SPURS
Man City vs Liverpool - CITY

Steven said...

WBA vs Arsenal - ARSENAL
Crystal Palace vs Watford - WATFORD
Everton vs Hull - EVERTON
Stoke vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Sunderland vs Burnley - BURNLEY
West Ham vs Leicester - LEICESTER
Bournemouth vs Swansea - BOURNEMOUTH
Middlesborough vs Man Utd - MAN UTD
Spurs vs Southampton - SPURS
Man City vs Liverpool - DRAW

Paddypower odds 3607/1
Min 507/1
Max 3,855,197/1


WBA vs Arsenal - ARSENAL
Crystal Palace vs Watford - WATFORD
Everton vs Hull - EVERTON
Stoke vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Sunderland vs Burnley - BURNLEY
West Ham vs Leicester - WEST HAM
Bournemouth vs Swansea - BOURNEMOUTH
Middlesborough vs Man Utd - MAN UTD
Spurs vs Southampton - SPURS
Man City vs Liverpool - LIVERPOOL

Paddypower odds 2525/1

Tarek said...

WBA vs Arsenal - ARSENAL
Crystal Palace vs Watford - WATFORD
Everton vs Hull - EVERTON
Stoke vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Sunderland vs Burnley - SUNDERLAND
West Ham vs Leicester - DRAW
Bournemouth vs Swansea - SWANSEA
Middlesborough vs Man Utd - MAN UTD
Spurs vs Southampton - SPURS
Man City vs Liverpool - DRAW

David B said...

WBA vs Arsenal - ARSENAL
Crystal Palace vs Watford - CRYSTAL PALACE
Everton vs Hull - EVERTON
Stoke vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Sunderland vs Burnley - SUNDERLAND
West Ham vs Leicester - DRAW
Bournemouth vs Swansea - DRAW
Middlesborough vs Man Utd - MAN UTD
Spurs vs Southampton - DRAW
Man City vs Liverpool - DRAW

Unknown said...

WBA vs Arsenal - Arsenal
Crystal Palace vs Watford - Draw
Everton vs Hull - Everton
Stoke vs Chelsea - Chelsea
Sunderland vs Burnley - Sunderland
West Ham vs Leicester - Draw
Bournemouth vs Swansea - Bournemouth
Middlesborough vs Man Utd - Man Utd
Spurs vs Southampton - Spurs
Man City vs Liverpool - Liverpool

Doron said...

WBA vs Arsenal - ARSENAL
Crystal Palace vs Watford - CRYSTAL PALACE
Everton vs Hull - EVERTON
Stoke vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Sunderland vs Burnley - DRAW
West Ham vs Leicester - WEST HAM
Bournemouth vs Swansea - SWANSEA
Middlesborough vs Man Utd - MAN UTD
Spurs vs Southampton - SPURS
Man City vs Liverpool - DRAW


Dagmar said...

WBA vs Arsenal - Arsenal
Crystal Palace vs Watford - Crystal Palace
Everton vs Hull - Everton
Stoke vs Chelsea - Chelsea
Sunderland vs Burnley - Burnley
West Ham vs Leicester - Draw
Bournemouth vs Swansea - Bournemouth
Middlesborough vs Man Utd - Man Utd
Spurs vs Southampton - Spurs
Man City vs Liverpool - Draw

Joe Abbott said...

WBA vs Arsenal - ARSENAL
Crystal Palace vs Watford - CRYSTAL PALACE
Everton vs Hull - EVERTON
Stoke vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Sunderland vs Burnley - DRAW
West Ham vs Leicester - WEST HAM
Bournemouth vs Swansea - BOURNEMOUTH
Middlesborough vs Man Utd - MAN UTD
Spurs vs Southampton - SPURS
Man City vs Liverpool - DRAW

Matt Abbott said...

WBA vs Arsenal - Arsenal
Crystal Palace vs Watford - Palace
Everton vs Hull - Everton
Stoke vs Chelsea - Chelski
Sunderland vs Burnley - Sunderland
West Ham vs Leicester - West Ham
Bournemouth vs Swansea - Bournemouth
Middlesborough vs Man Utd - United
Spurs vs Southampton - Spurs
Man City vs Liverpool - Liverpool

Sam Ruback said...

WBA vs Arsenal - ARSENAL
Crystal Palace vs Watford - CRYSTAL PALACE
Everton vs Hull - EVERTON
Stoke vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Sunderland vs Burnley - SUNDERLAND
West Ham vs Leicester - WEST HAM
Bournemouth vs Swansea - SWANSEA
Middlesborough vs Man Utd - MAN UTD
Spurs vs Southampton - SPURS
Man City vs Liverpool - MAN CITY

Feneley said...


WBA vs Arsenal - ARSENAL
Crystal Palace vs Watford - WATFORD
Everton vs Hull - EVERTON
Stoke vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Sunderland vs Burnley - DRAW
West Ham vs Leicester - LEICESTER
Bournemouth vs Swansea - SWANSEA
Middlesborough vs Man Utd - MAN UTD
Spurs vs Southampton - SPURS
Man City vs Liverpool - MAN CITY



WBA vs Arsenal - DRAW
Crystal Palace vs Watford - WATFORD
Everton vs Hull - EVERTON
Stoke vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Sunderland vs Burnley - BURNLEY
West Ham vs Leicester - DRAW
Bournemouth vs Swansea - BOURNEMOUTH
Middlesborough vs Man Utd - MAN UTD
Spurs vs Southampton - SPURS
Man City vs Liverpool - MAN CITY


Dgsilverman said...

WBA vs Arsenal - ARSENAL
Crystal Palace vs Watford - DRAW
Everton vs Hull - EVERTON
Stoke vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Sunderland vs Burnley - DRAW
West Ham vs Leicester - WEST HAM
Bournemouth vs Swansea - BOURNEMOUTH
Middlesborough vs Man Utd - MAN UTD
Spurs vs Southampton - SPURS
Man City vs Liverpool - CITY

Will O'Doherty said...

WBA vs Arsenal - DRAW
Crystal Palace vs Watford - CRYSTAL PALACE
Everton vs Hull - EVERTON
Stoke vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Sunderland vs Burnley - DRAW
West Ham vs Leicester - LEICESTER
Bournemouth vs Swansea - SWANSEA
Middlesborough vs Man Utd - MAN UTD
Spurs vs Southampton - SPURS
Man City vs Liverpool - CITY