Wednesday 9 August 2017

S7M1: Time to start wearing

So here we go again folks.

The pre-season friendlies are done and dusted. Season previews abound wherever you care to watch. New shirts have been bought, with a big-money new signing (unless you're Spurs...) printed on the back. Sky, BT & season ticket subscriptions are paid for.

Season 7 starts, with 3 wins for real players and 3 wins for the algorithm-driven stuff. Will be see a title defended and a trend bucked? Who amongst us is going to classically overrate one the othe big sides, who have a shocker all season long, and which smaller side is going to overcome the odds and shine?

For what it's worth, I'm backing City for the league. More recruitment, more Pep time. Chelsea in a tizzy, Man Utd still strike me as too defensive and not inspiring enough and Liverpool, Spurs and Arsenal are all massively flawed. Everton might enter the Top 4 mix, but won't have the legs for a full challenge.

Relegation - it's hard to look past Huddersfield and Brighton. Steep learning curves lie ahead. Bizarre saying that - steep is a vertical adjective, and curve is a horizontal one, Unless you're doing a loop-the-loop, but then I don't think I'd describe that as a curve. My final tip to go down: Burnley. No real season there. Could be Swansea or Watford. West Ham would be funny too. But I just think Burnley have very little redeeming quality, and losing Keane will be a big blow.

So, if you're a returner, thanks for playing once again. If you have friends or family who'd be interested in joining in - point them this way. Let's see if we can get 30 regular players every week this year.

If you're new for this season, hello! I'll recap the rules below:

  • Fixtures get released 48h in advance of the matchday bundle (ie the 1st game in the set) - or at least I try too
  • Choose a Win-Draw-Win result - no need to give actual scores
  • Let me know your predictions before the kick off of the 1st game. Late predictions score a 0 for any game to have kicked off, so even if you miss the Friday night game, you can still partake in the other 9 games.
  • You can let me know however you want. My preference - comments below the blog, but you can email, text, tweet (@imposaccyaccy) or use any other means of communication.
  • 1 point per correct result
  • Reminder services are available via Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp. If you want to be included in one/all of these, let me know
  • If you place a 10 match accumulator bet, let me have the odds. This is purely for the LOLZ.
It's really that simple. Free to play, set a reminder on your phone along with signing up to an "official" reminder and you're laughing.

Leaderboard comes out after 3 games, we only do a matchday if there are 7/10 games, trophy to be won for the winner of the leaderboard (eligibility criteria: Play >2/3 of matchdays).

Any questions - be in touch, or look at the tabs above.

So, to the 1st Matchday's predictions:

Arsenal vs Leicester - ARSENAL
Watford vs Liverpool - LIVERPOOL
Chelsea vs Burnley - CHELSEA
Crystal Palace vs Huddersfield - CRYSTAL PALACE
Everton vs Stoke - EVERTON
Southampton vs Swansea - DRAW
WBA vs Bournemouth - WBA
Brighton vs Man City - MAN CITY
Newcastle vs Spurs - SPURS
West Ham vs Man Utd - MAN UTD

Good luck guys. See you next week for a real 1st blog


Josh Daniels said...

Arsenal vs Leicester - Arsenal
Watford vs Liverpool - LIVERPOOL (if coutinho leaves then Watford)
Chelsea vs Burnley - CHELSEA
Crystal Palace vs Huddersfield - CRYSTAL PALACE
Everton vs Stoke - EVERTON
Southampton vs Swansea - Southampton
WBA vs Bournemouth - Bournemouth
Brighton vs Man City - MAN CITY
Newcastle vs Spurs - SPURS
West Ham vs Man Utd - Draw


Dgsilverman said...

Arsenal vs Leicester - ARSENAL
Watford vs Liverpool - DRAW
Chelsea vs Burnley - CHELSEA
Crystal Palace vs Huddersfield - CRYSTAL PALACE
Everton vs Stoke - EVERTON
Southampton vs Swansea - DRAW
WBA vs Bournemouth - WBA
Brighton vs Man City - MAN CITY
Newcastle vs Spurs - SPURS
West Ham vs Man Utd - MAN UTD

Tarek said...

Arsenal vs Leicester - ARSENAL
Watford vs Liverpool - LIVERPOOL
Chelsea vs Burnley - CHELSEA
Crystal Palace vs Huddersfield - CRYSTAL PALACE
Everton vs Stoke - EVERTON
Southampton vs Swansea - SOUTHAMPTON
WBA vs Bournemouth - DRAW
Brighton vs Man City - MAN CITY
Newcastle vs Spurs - DRAW
West Ham vs Man Utd - MAN UTD

David B said...

Arsenal vs Leicester - ARSENAL
Watford vs Liverpool - LIVERPOOL
Chelsea vs Burnley - CHELSEA
Crystal Palace vs Huddersfield - CRYSTAL PALACE
Everton vs Stoke - EVERTON
Southampton vs Swansea - SOUTHAMPTON
WBA vs Bournemouth - DRAW
Brighton vs Man City - MAN CITY
Newcastle vs Spurs - DRAW
West Ham vs Man Utd - MAN UTD

Steven said...

Arsenal vs Leicester - ARSENAL
Watford vs Liverpool - LIVERPOOL
Chelsea vs Burnley - CHELSEA
Crystal Palace vs Huddersfield - CRYSTAL PALACE
Everton vs Stoke - EVERTON
Southampton vs Swansea - SOUTHAMPTON
WBA vs Bournemouth - WBA
Brighton vs Man City - MAN CITY
Newcastle vs Spurs - SPURS
West Ham vs Man Utd - MAN UTD

Paddypower odds 84/1

Unknown said...

Arsenal vs Leicester - ARSENAL
Watford vs Liverpool - LIVERPOOL
Chelsea vs Burnley - CHELSEA
Crystal Palace vs Huddersfield - CRYSTAL PALACE
Everton vs Stoke - EVERTON
Southampton vs Swansea - SOTON
WBA vs Bournemouth - DRAW
Brighton vs Man City - MAN CITY
Newcastle vs Spurs - SPURS
West Ham vs Man Utd - MAN UTD

Joe Abbott said...

Arsenal vs Leicester - ARSENAL
Watford vs Liverpool - LIVERPOOL
Chelsea vs Burnley - CHELSEA
Crystal Palace vs Huddersfield - CRYSTAL PALACE
Everton vs Stoke - EVERTON
Southampton vs Swansea - SOUTHAMPTON
WBA vs Bournemouth - WBA
Brighton vs Man City - MAN CITY
Newcastle vs Spurs - SPURS
West Ham vs Man Utd - MAN UTD

Matt Abbott said...

Arsenal vs Leicester - H
Watford vs Liverpool - A
Chelsea vs Burnley - H
Crystal Palace vs Huddersfield - H
Everton vs Stoke - H
Southampton vs Swansea - H
WBA vs Bournemouth - D
Brighton vs Man City - A
Newcastle vs Spurs - A
West Ham vs Man Utd - A

Dagmar said...

Arsenal vs Leicester - Arsenal
Watford vs Liverpool - Liverpool
Chelsea vs Burnley - Chelsea
Crystal Palace vs Huddersfield - CrysTal Palace
Everton vs Stoke - Everton
Southampton vs Swansea - Southampton
WBA vs Bournemouth - Draw
Brighton vs Man City - Man City
Newcastle vs Spurs - Spurs
West Ham vs Man Utd - Man Utd

Doron said...

Arsenal vs Leicester - ARSENAL
Watford vs Liverpool - LIVERPOOL
Chelsea vs Burnley - CHELSEA
Crystal Palace vs Huddersfield - DRAW
Everton vs Stoke - EVERTON
Southampton vs Swansea - SOUTHAMPTON
WBA vs Bournemouth - WBA
Brighton vs Man City - MAN CITY
Newcastle vs Spurs - SPURS
West Ham vs Man Utd - MAN UTD


Nick said...

Arsenal vs Leicester - ARSENAL
Watford vs Liverpool - DRAW
Chelsea vs Burnley - CHELSEA
Crystal Palace vs Huddersfield - CRYSTAL PALACE
Everton vs Stoke - EVERTON
Southampton vs Swansea - SWANSEA (b/c my new hometown)
WBA vs Bournemouth - WBA
Brighton vs Man City - MAN CITY
Newcastle vs Spurs - NEWCASTLE
West Ham vs Man Utd - DRAW

JT said...

Arsenal vs Leicester - ARSENAL
Watford vs Liverpool - LIVERPOOL
Chelsea vs Burnley - CHELSEA
Crystal Palace vs Huddersfield - CRYSTAL PALACE
Everton vs Stoke - EVERTON
Southampton vs Swansea - DRAW
WBA vs Bournemouth - DRAW
Brighton vs Man City - MAN CITY
Newcastle vs Spurs - DRAW
West Ham vs Man Utd - MAN UTD

Sam Ruback said...

Arsenal vs Leicester - ARSENAL
Watford vs Liverpool - LIVERPOOL
Chelsea vs Burnley - CHELSEA
Crystal Palace vs Huddersfield - CRYSTAL PALACE
Everton vs Stoke - EVERTON
Southampton vs Swansea - SWANSEA
WBA vs Bournemouth - DRAW
Brighton vs Man City - MAN CITY
Newcastle vs Spurs - DRAW
West Ham vs Man Utd - MAN UTD

Josh Gaon said...

Arsenal vs Leicester - ARSENAL
Watford vs Liverpool - LIVERPOOL
Chelsea vs Burnley - CHELSEA
Crystal Palace vs Huddersfield - HUDDERSFIELD
Everton vs Stoke - EVERTON
Southampton vs Swansea - DRAW
WBA vs Bournemouth - BOURNEMOUTH
Brighton vs Man City - MAN CITY
Newcastle vs Spurs - NEWCASTLE
West Ham vs Man Utd - DRAW

Unknown said...

Arsenal vs Leicester - ARSENAL
Watford vs Liverpool - LIVERPOOL
Chelsea vs Burnley - CHELSEA
Crystal Palace vs Huddersfield - DRAW
Everton vs Stoke - DRAW
Southampton vs Swansea - SOUTHAMPTON
WBA vs Bournemouth - WBA
Brighton vs Man City - MAN CITY
Newcastle vs Spurs - SPURS
West Ham vs Man Utd - DRAW

Feneley said...


Arsenal vs Leicester - ARSENAL
Watford vs Liverpool - LIVERPOOL
Chelsea vs Burnley - CHELSEA
Crystal Palace vs Huddersfield - DRAW
Everton vs Stoke - EVERTON
Southampton vs Swansea - DRAW
WBA vs Bournemouth - WBA
Brighton vs Man City - MAN CITY
Newcastle vs Spurs - SPURS
West Ham vs Man Utd - MAN UTD



Arsenal vs Leicester - ARSENAL
Watford vs Liverpool - LIVERPOOL
Chelsea vs Burnley - CHELSEA
Crystal Palace vs Huddersfield - CRYSTAL PALACE
Everton vs Stoke - EVERTON
Southampton vs Swansea - SOUTHAMPTON
WBA vs Bournemouth - WBA
Brighton vs Man City - MAN CITY
Newcastle vs Spurs - SPURS
West Ham vs Man Utd - WEST HAM


David dinkin said...

Arsenal vs Leicester - ARSENAL
Watford vs Liverpool - LIVERPOOL
Chelsea vs Burnley - CHELSEA
Crystal Palace vs Huddersfield - CRYSTAL PALACE
Everton vs Stoke - EVERTON
Southampton vs Swansea - Southampton
WBA vs Bournemouth - WBA
Brighton vs Man City - MAN CITY
Newcastle vs Spurs - Draw
West Ham vs Man Utd - MAN UTD

Menachem said...

Happy to be playing again!

Arsenal vs Leicester - Arsenal
Watford vs Liverpool - Liverpool
Chelsea vs Burnley - Chelsea
Crystal Palace vs Huddersfield - Palace
Everton vs Stoke - Draw
Southampton vs Swansea - Saints
WBA vs Bournemouth - WBA
Brighton vs Man City - Man City (predict a drumming!)
Newcastle vs Spurs - Spurs
West Ham vs Man Utd - Man Utd

Eli Daniels said...

Arsenal vs Leicester - Arsenal
Watford vs Liverpool - Liverpool
Chelsea vs Burnley - Chelsea
Crystal Palace vs Huddersfield - Palace
Everton vs Stoke - Everton
Southampton vs Swansea - Saints
WBA vs Bournemouth - Draw
Brighton vs Man City - Man City
Newcastle vs Spurs - Draw (more in hope than in expectation - its first gameweek of the season, you've got to dream)
West Ham vs Man Utd - Man Utd

Nick Jones said...

Arsenal vs Leicester - ARSENAL
Watford vs Liverpool - LIVERPOOL
Chelsea vs Burnley - CHELSEA
Crystal Palace vs Huddersfield - Draw
Everton vs Stoke - EVERTON
Southampton vs Swansea - Southampton
WBA vs Bournemouth - Bournemouth
Brighton vs Man City - MAN CITY
Newcastle vs Spurs - SPURS
West Ham vs Man Utd - MAN UTD