Wednesday 14 December 2016

S6M17: Technical difficulties

A quick one now as unfortunately, due to a slight computing problem, I'm not going to be able to provide you with the last 2 matchday's results right now. Aside from this midweek's Fink Tank predictions (which may not exist - if anyone has them, please pass them along), I've got everyone else either online or elsewhere, so the database will be updated in due course and hopefully, you'll get a nice long blog to read for the Xmas weekend.

So, for now, it's just the weekend predos:

Crystal Palace vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Middlesborough vs Swansea - DRAW
Stoke vs Leicester - LEICESTER
Sunderland vs Watford - SUNDERLAND
West Ham vs Hull - WEST HAM
WBA vs Man Utd - MAN UTD
Bournemouth vs Southampton - BOURNEMOUTH
Man City vs Arsenal - DRAW
Spurs vs Burnley - SPURS
Everton vs Liverpool - DRAW

Total odds: 4377/1 (Paddypower)

Quick reminder for the FA Cup game starting in January - £5 entry as per usual so start saving those pennies...

Good luck guys - apologies for the inconvenience. Fingers crossed for normal service next week


David B said...

Crystal Palace vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Middlesborough vs Swansea - MIDDLESBORO
Stoke vs Leicester - DRAW
Sunderland vs Watford - DRAW
West Ham vs Hull - WEST HAM
WBA vs Man Utd - DRAW
Bournemouth vs Southampton - DRAW
Man City vs Arsenal - MAN CITY
Spurs vs Burnley - SPURS
Everton vs Liverpool - LIVERPOOL

ccdaniels65 said...


Anonymous said...


Test said...


Menacherm said...

Crystal Palace vs Chelsea - Chelsea
Middlesborough vs Swansea - Middlesborough
Stoke vs Leicester - Draw
Sunderland vs Watford - Watford
West Ham vs Hull - West Ham
WBA vs Man Utd - Man Utd
Bournemouth vs Southampton - Bournemouth
Man City vs Arsenal - Draw
Spurs vs Burnley - Spurs
Everton vs Liverpool - Liverpool

Aron Kleiman said...

Crystal Palace vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Middlesborough vs Swansea - DRAW
Stoke vs Leicester - STOKE
Sunderland vs Watford - WATFORD
West Ham vs Hull - WEST HAM
WBA vs Man Utd - MAN UTD
Bournemouth vs Southampton - BOURNEMOUTH
Man City vs Arsenal - CITY
Spurs vs Burnley - SPURS
Everton vs Liverpool - LIVERPOOL

Joe Abbott said...

Crystal Palace vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Middlesborough vs Swansea - MIDDLESBROUGH
Stoke vs Leicester - STOKE
Sunderland vs Watford - SUNDERLAND
West Ham vs Hull - WEST HAM
WBA vs Man Utd - DRAW
Bournemouth vs Southampton - SOUTHAMPTON
Man City vs Arsenal - ARSENAL
Spurs vs Burnley - SPURS
Everton vs Liverpool - LIVERPOOL

Doron said...

Crystal Palace vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Middlesborough vs Swansea - DRAW
Stoke vs Leicester - DRAW
Sunderland vs Watford - SUNDERLAND
West Ham vs Hull - WEST HAM
WBA vs Man Utd - MAN UTD*
Bournemouth vs Southampton - DRAW
Man City vs Arsenal - ARSENAL
Spurs vs Burnley - SPURS
Everton vs Liverpool - LIVERPOOL


*head says draw, heart says United win... become a bit of a bogey side for us

David Dinkin said...

Crystal Palace vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Middlesborough vs Swansea - DRAW
Stoke vs Leicester - STOKE
Sunderland vs Watford - SUNDERLAND
West Ham vs Hull - WEST HAM
WBA vs Man Utd - MAN UTD
Bournemouth vs Southampton - DRAW
Man City vs Arsenal - MAN CITY
Spurs vs Burnley - SPURS
Everton vs Liverpool - EVERTON

Dagmar said...

Crystal Palace vs Chelsea - Chelsea
Middlesborough vs Swansea - Middlesborough
Stoke vs Leicester - Draw
Sunderland vs Watford - Sunderland
West Ham vs Hull - West Ham
WBA vs Man Utd - Man Utd
Bournemouth vs Southampton - Bournemouth
Man City vs Arsenal - Draw
Spurs vs Burnley - Spurs
Everton vs Liverpool - Liverpool

Matt Abbott said...

Crystal Palace vs Chelsea - Chelsea
Middlesborough vs Swansea - Draw
Stoke vs Leicester - Stoke
Sunderland vs Watford - Sunderland
West Ham vs Hull - West Ham
WBA vs Man Utd - Draw
Bournemouth vs Southampton - Draw
Man City vs Arsenal - Man City
Spurs vs Burnley - Spurs
Everton vs Liverpool - Draw

Sam Ruback said...

Crystal Palace vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Middlesborough vs Swansea - DRAW
Stoke vs Leicester - STOKE
Sunderland vs Watford - WATFORD
West Ham vs Hull - WEST HAM
WBA vs Man Utd - DRAW
Bournemouth vs Southampton - DRAW
Man City vs Arsenal - MAN CITY
Spurs vs Burnley - SPURS
Everton vs Liverpool - LIVERPOOL

Will O'Doherty said...

Crystal Palace vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Middlesborough vs Swansea - DRAW
Stoke vs Leicester - STOKE
Sunderland vs Watford - SUNDERLAND
West Ham vs Hull - WEST HAM
WBA vs Man Utd - MAN UTD
Bournemouth vs Southampton - BOURNEMOUTH
Man City vs Arsenal - CITY
Spurs vs Burnley - SPURS
Everton vs Liverpool - LIVERPOOL

Feneley said...


Crystal Palace vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Middlesborough vs Swansea - DRAW
Stoke vs Leicester - LEICESTER
Sunderland vs Watford - WATFORD
West Ham vs Hull - WEST HAM
WBA vs Man Utd - MAN UTD
Bournemouth vs Southampton - SOUTHAMPTON
Man City vs Arsenal - DRAW
Spurs vs Burnley - SPURS
Everton vs Liverpool - LIVERPOOL



Crystal Palace vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Middlesborough vs Swansea - MIDDLESBOROUGH
Stoke vs Leicester - LEICESTER
Sunderland vs Watford - DRAW
West Ham vs Hull - WEST HAM
WBA vs Man Utd - DRAW
Bournemouth vs Southampton - SOUTHAMPTON
Man City vs Arsenal - DRAW
Spurs vs Burnley - SPURS
Everton vs Liverpool - DRAW


Nick jones said...

Crystal Palace vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Middlesborough vs Swansea - Borough
Stoke vs Leicester - STOKE
Sunderland vs Watford - SUNDERLAND
West Ham vs Hull - WEST HAM
WBA vs Man Utd - DRaw
Bournemouth vs Southampton - BOURNEMOUTH
Man City vs Arsenal - Draw
Spurs vs Burnley - SPURS
Everton vs Liverpool - draw

Eli Daniels said...

Crystal Palace vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Middlesborough vs Swansea - DRAW
Stoke vs Leicester - STOKE
Sunderland vs Watford - WATFORD
West Ham vs Hull - WEST HAM
WBA vs Man Utd - MAN UTD
Bournemouth vs Southampton - SOUTHAMPTON
Man City vs Arsenal - ARSENAL
Spurs vs Burnley - SPURS
Everton vs Liverpool - EVERTON

Dgsilverman said...

Crystal Palace vs Chelsea - CHELSEA
Middlesborough vs Swansea - DRAW
Stoke vs Leicester - LEICESTER
Sunderland vs Watford - DRAW
West Ham vs Hull - WEST HAM
WBA vs Man Utd - DRAW
Bournemouth vs Southampton - BOURNEMOUTH
Man City vs Arsenal - ARSENAL
Spurs vs Burnley - SPURS
Everton vs Liverpool - DRAW